Finance has played an important role in the National Society’s (NS) daily activities and administration work. It is seen as a core function of any NS in the movement. It is very important that all NS comply with any donor’s requirement and have the necessary skills to implement the task required by both Finance Team and Coordinators (especially the Budget Holders).
The training is an initiative from the Australian Red Cross (ARC) support to provide the finance Team with technical skills to improve their knowledge and understanding of MYOB and any other financial matter. And to help Budget coordinators to understand how to manage a budget.
With support from the Australian Red Cross (ARC), this week the ARC team facilitated a day of training at Ramada Resort to teach the Finance skills for the Vanuatu Red Cross Society budget holder/ coordinators staff on budget management. The purpose of this training was to upskill the VRCS budget holder staff working with managing a budget to understand what parts they are responsible for and focus on budgeting for a separate activity/event. show how to budget for activities in there (as opposed to the Master Plan), to understand budget vs actual reports: show the Master Plan bud vs actual summary page. Filtering to analyze the activity lines, and understanding how much has been spent/remaining for the rest of the year and Timeline - budgeting, spending, and reviewing and understanding the fraud and corruption policy and Financial Sustainability.
On that day the VRCS budget holders were supported to understand different parts of Budget Management, like understanding Financial Management and how it involves organizing, planning, monitoring and controlling the financial resources of an organization to achieve its objectives. They further explore the Roles and Responsibilities of the Board, Secretary General and Finance Team, Practical budgets vs actual reports, timeline budgeting to reporting, monthly meetings, activity tracking sheet, Financial Sustainability and dashboard. These Financial Management sessions were word puzzle activities and hands-on activities using a laptop that was done in groups and was easy for everyone to understand each part.
The Training was facilitated by Patrea Ryan - Finance Development Adviser of the Australian Red Cross (ARC) and assisted by her two colleagues Claire Hallas - Portfolio Manager (PNG, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu) International Programs and Lauren Simpson - Program Advisor (PNG, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu) International Programs.
Financial Skills and Technical Training and Budget Holder / Coordinators on Budget Management - Ramada Resort, Port Vila - Vanuatu.
Budget Holder / Coordinators on Budget Management training.
Budget Holder / Coordinators on Budget Management training.
Budget Holder / Coordinators on Budget Management training.
Budget Holder / Coordinators on Budget Management training.
Budget Holder / Coordinators on Budget Management training.