Mr. Tordjoerm C. Pedersen, Danish Good Will Ambassador, EUR Logistics Delegate and VRCS Staff.
Meet Mr. Tordjoerm C. Pedersen, He is from Denmark and represents Danish Red Cross. Mr. Pedersen is a world tour adventure, an explorer as a Danish Goodwill Ambassador and he is one of the most travel people on this planet. He left Denmark on October 2013 and have not been home now for 9 years as he is meeting up with all the Red Cross Societies all around the world, some places called Red Crescent and in Israel is Red Crystal. He travels to EVERY country without flying! Vanuatu is country number 200 that he visits completely without flying and completely without returning home.
Since today he stated on his visit to Vanuatu Red Cross Society, he met with the movement in 196 countries from 200 countries. So, there are different things done in different countries depending on the situation and how much time they have together, but quite often part of his visiting been to is to promote the National Society, invite people to volunteer services, raise funds and become a part of the movement in one way or the other. In one way you could say it is a symbolic connection of the movement all around the world. So that is part of what Mr. Tordjoerm C. Pedersen does and he also help to raise funds and awareness for the Red Cross in General.
“When I live then I put on a different shirt where I have my project uniform called Once upon a Saga and then am promoting the country so right now am promoting Red Cross, the rest of the time I promote countries. So now I am in the beautiful Vanuatu and I am promoting it on social media platforms of where ever I can post about. When I go to the next Country then I promote the good in that country and followed with the next country and so on,” says Mr. Tordjoerm C. Pedersen, Danish Good Will Ambassador, EUR Logistics Delegate.