This week the Vanuatu Red Cross Society SANMA Branch is undergoing four days of The provincial emergency Response Team (PERT). It is really great to see that 20 Volunteers in Sanma Branch with different skills mindsets and capacities they have in different sectors like Shelter, Finance, PMER, DRM, Logistics, WatSan, Health and many more came together to learn and understand PERT training.
The provincial emergency Response Team (PERT) is composed of local Red Cross staff and volunteers based at National Society Head Quarter (NS HQ) and branches.
It is a RESPONSE tool developed to support the National Society’s response in times of an emergency/disaster event in the islands that exceeds the local capacities of the CRCV and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in the Branches across the country.
They may be dispatched outside of their own branches.
20 Volunteers in Sanma Branch attending PERT training.