Did you know that the Global Health Security Conference Meeting is happening this week from June 28th to July 1st, 2022 in Singapore?
We are excited about it and the Vanuatu Red Cross Society will be represented by it's Resilience, Health and WASH Coordinator Miss. Lindah Peter to attend the 4 days conference organized by the Global Health Security Network at Suntec Convention and Exhibition Center, Singapore.
The purpose of the Global Health Security Conference 2022 is to highlight the core role that civil society actors such as the Red Cross/Red Crescent national societies play in national epidemic and pandemic preparedness strategies and implementation plans through sharing experiences of Red Cross/Red Crescent representatives from the Pacific and Asia alongside government and non-government stakeholders during the COVID-19 pandemic and outbreaks of other epidemic prone diseases; Engage other stakeholders, including public health officials, private sector and academics) to understand their perspective on the role of civil society and communities in strengthening and extending health systems; and Draw out lessons learned and how they can be harnessed to continue strengthening global, regional and national health security frameworks and tools.
"Global Health Security Conference 2022 will promote a dynamic and contemporary program that will include a mixture of keynote panel presentations, dedicated sessions, and lively discussions and debate on the challenges that impact global health security," says Lindah Peter - Resilience, Health and WASH Coordinator, VRCS.
Visit Global Health Security Network here: https://ghsn.org/About-us
Resilience, Health and WASH Coordinator Miss. Lindah Peter.