Natural Resource Management and First Aid training for BHA targeted communities in Big Bay, Santo.
VRCS Natural Resource Management and First Aid training for BHA targeted communities in Big Bay, Santo.
Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS’s) Burea of Humanitarian Assistance Program, which is supported by the Provincial Government & implemented, is helping families in the communities in the Northern Part of Espiritu Santo to be resilient to natural disasters and health crisis. People in Malao and Pelvus village in Big Bay Santo have joined in the five-day training sessions in recent weeks. The sessions are designed for all gender in the community to take part in together, enabling them to share their understanding and values, share ideas and skills with each other and simulation exercises on each topic they covered and know the actions to be taken in times of an emergency in an effective manner during a disaster or health crisis. The training encourages everyone to be well prepared to natural disasters and crisis.
Practicing CARTIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION (CPR) for adult and babies during an emergency.
Participants Practicing how to treat a wound - First Aid