6 Months On

Tropical Cyclone Pam: Six Month Progress Report Launch

Tropical Cyclone Pam: Six Month Progress Report Launch

Red Cross was the first organisation to carry out official relief operations, distributing essential supplies to affected people in the first month following Cyclone Pam. Six months on, we've provided assistance to an estimated 39,915 people affected by TC Pam in Vanuatu.

The first few months following the cyclone focused on relief – making sure that people could survive in the aftermath of the disaster. Now, the focus has moved to longer term recovery, to reconstruction and to being better prepared for future disasters. Following the relief activities, the recovery priorities for Red Cross in Vanuatu are to provide the means for cyclone-affected households to rebuild their damaged houses, have safe places for refuge and improve access to safe water, especially considering the increased likelihood of extended drought caused by El Nino.