Hygiene Promotion Officer

Position Title:                                    Hygiene Promotion Officer

Duration of contract:                    18 months

Expectation starting date:           1 February 2017

Line Manager:                                   VRCS Head of Health Department

Reporting to:                                     French Red Cross WASH and DRR Head of Project

Functional link:                                 FRC Wash project officer, VRCS DRR support officers


Job location:                      VRCS headquarter in Port-Vila (regular travel to the Provinces and accommodation in communities expected)


Purpose of the job:


Under the guidance of the FRC Wash and DRR HoP, the Hygiene promotion officer will be responsible of doing Hygiene promotion activities in the communities, prepare, assisting and reporting on Hygiene promotion events in different areas the VRCS is implementing the SCP3 project. He/She will work in close collaboration with Branch/sub branch officers located in different geographic areas as well as with different schools and churches identified in the beneficiaries’ villages.

He/she will analyse the base line health survey conducted to evaluate the impact of GFS and RWHS project and he/she will conduct an end line survey.


Purpose of the program:

Considering its location on the ring of fire and the cyclone belt, Vanuatu is prone to geological and hydro-meteorological hazards which are increasing the communities’ vulnerability. Torba and Malampa have been identified as very isolated provinces of the country with poor access to public services. Due to their location, their also constitute one of the cyclone highest risks area in the country. This community based program will involve all stakeholders dealing with natural disasters management, Climate Change, Wash, Agriculture and Natural Resources Management; so that they will be empowered to prepare and respond to future events.

The French Red Cross is supporting the Vanuatu Red Cross in implementing a project called Supporting community planning 3. For the moment, different communities in Torba and Malampa provinces are implementing this project by constructing or restore 4 Gravity fed systems in Arep, Farun, Lambule and Lanvitvit and also Rain water harvesting systems in different 10 communities in Gaua, and Malekula. Hygiene promotion is one of the mains elements of the project in order to decrease the increase health conditions and promote good hygiene behaviours. This activity consists to conduct the awareness’ and promoting good behaviours to be adopted by the community as barriers of diseases. Intervention will be focused on schools and churches.











Specific Project duties, responsibilities and accountabilities


Under the supervision of the FRC Wash and DRR Head of Project (SCP3 project):

The Hygiene promotion Officer will be responsible for:


1.       Conducting hygiene promotion activities through schools (primary and secondary):

a)      Prepare for the training (Agenda detailed, school teacher mobilisation, logistics) based on tools and methodologies provided;

b)       Facilitate training of teachers on CHAST (Children Hygiene and Sanitation Training) methodology and tools;

c)       On-going visit to school to monitor and support teachers in awareness provided to students;

d)       Support schools in the development of massive awareness days on hygiene promotion


2.       Conducting hygiene promotion activities through churches:

a)      Knowledge of church leaders interested in hygiene promotion activities;

b)      Training of church leaders based on the PHAST methodology (Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Training);

c)       On-going visit to churches to monitor and support churches in awareness provided to community members;

3.       Organizing one Hand washing day in every schools and/or churches targeted

4.       Analysing the health survey conducted in the targeted communities to analyse the impact of GFS and RWHS project

5.       Preparation the end line survey on Hygiene promotion and regular monitoring on activities


Additionally within the SCP3 DRR and Wash construction Team he/she will:


1.       Participate in the strategy implementation and preparation of activities with a strong coordination with the DRR team involved in schools and churches as well;

2.       Prepare and submit weekly and monthly progress reports to his/her line manager;

3.       Contribute to the intermediate and final reports to the VRCS and French Red Cross;

4.       Collect and organise all weekly and monthly training reports and transmit them to his/her line manager;

5.       Report immediately any delay or problem encountered;




·         Work towards the achievement of VRCS objectives in the country/province of operation through effective managerial and lateral relations and teamwork

·         Ensure understanding of roles, responsibilities, lateral relationships and accountabilities

·         To promote and respect Red Cross seven fundamentals principles

·         To perform other tasks as may be assigned by the FRC Head of Delegation








1.       Manage the implementation and monitoring of the sector activities


a)      Use tools and communication material for Hygiene Promotion activities with his line manager and in relation with provincial partners;

b)      Organize and participate as facilitator and/or trainer to the trainings related to Hygiene Promotion in Schools and churches (CHAST and PHAST methodology and tools);

c)       Support the school/churches in planning their work schedule for awareness programs to carry on under the supervision of his/her line manager;

d)      Support the School and Churches in Mobilizing village authority, village elders and vulnerable and special needs groups within the communities for active participation on the program activities;

e)      Provide technical training to water comities in the field regarding hygiene and particularly in emergency situation (PHAST Methodology used);

f)       Ensure that all expected results of the project are accomplished in a timely manner according to established timeline and within the budget allocated;

g)      Participate in all project monitoring and evaluation activities (KAP surveys, training evaluations, post distribution monitoring;



2. Ensure the logistic and administration of the project in relation with the Logistics and Admin departments:

a)      Respect security rules and ensure the respect of it by the program team;

b)      Plan and manage his sector budget and activities under the supervision of his/her line manager

c)       Open and close Operational Advance in a proper way in a due respect of the VRCS handbook;

d)      Participate actively to the setting up of trainings community / school meetings (transport, accommodation, venue…), and update it regularly


3. Support the program team and partners (Human Resource Management):

a)      Participates in the mobilization of community members, teachers and church leaders in the field

b)      Support and train volunteers, community committees, school committees;


4. Reporting

a)      Collect and organize all field supervision, write weekly/monthly reports and progress, and transmit them to the line manager;

b)      Contribute to the production of timely reports (narrative) ‐ monthly, intermediate and final reports to the VRCS and FRC;

c)       Reports immediately any delay or problem encountered;


Lateral relations

  1. Facilitate the collaboration between VRCS/FRC, the targeted communities and essential stakeholders in area of intervention.
  2. Develop and maintain an effective operational partnership with the technical partners, other relevant government departments (Provincial and National level) and national stakeholders as necessary.






Qualifications and profile required

Experience of health and WASH program, in the field of community based water and sanitation.

Demonstrated experience and competencies in at least two (2) of the following sectors:

·         Public health, Nurse, Health promotion or other similar field

·         Training, organisation of training and awareness activities

·         PHAST and CHAST activities


University graduate in one of these sectors or field related will be an asset.


Ability and flexibility to travel regularly, particularly in the Torba and Malampa provinces. She/he will be expected to spend several stays of few weeks in the islands.


Knowledge, skills and experiences required

1.       Degree, Diploma or certificate in Public health, Nursing, Social Work, Rural development, facilitation or human development

2.       Training and facilitation skills

3.       Community mobilization experiences

4.       Knowledge about PHAST and CHAST approaches

5.       Interest to work with children and churches

6.       Interest in sharing professional skills as well as learning from others

7.       Excellent computer skills (Internet, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)

8.       Excellent communication, drafting and presentation skills

9.       Team management

10.   Knowledge of the Vanuatu context preferred

11.   Knowledge of Bishlamar preferred

12.   Open-minded, dynamic and flexible

13.   English and/or French speaker required

14.   Knowledge of Red Cross movement will be an asset



·         According to the VRCS internal regulations

·         Flexibility in working schedule may be required, according to program needs and fixed timeframe


VRCS is an organization involved in emergency, early recovery and development program. Therefore, all VRCS staff have to be available at any time in order to respond to any emergency work, should the need arise.


Applications should be submitted, no later than 16th of January 2017 at:

VRCS HR Department, PO Box 3459, Port-Vila, Vanuatu


Application by email:


Only short listed candidates will be contacted.


The application must contain the following documents:

-Resume updated

-Work certificate

-Motivation letter


-Copy of diplomas


Hygiene Promotion Officer based in Tanna, Lenakel

Position Title:                                    Hygiene Promotion Officer

Duration of contract:                    7 months

Expectation starting date:           1 February 2017

Line Manager:                                   VRCS Head of Health Department

Reporting to:                                     French Red Cross DRR Head of Project TANNA Recovery

Functional link:                                 VRCS DRR Support Officers, Wash Head of Project TANNA Recovery


Job location:                                      VRCS Branch in Tanna, Lenakel (regular visit to North Tanna and accommodation in communities expected)


Purpose of the job:


Under the guidance of the FRC Wash and DRR HoP, the Hygiene promotion officer will be responsible of doing Hygiene promotion activities in the communities, prepare, assisting and reporting on Hygiene promotion events in different areas the VRCS is implementing the Tanna Recovery project. He/She will work in close collaboration with Branch/sub branch officers located in Tanna as well as with different schools and churches identified in the beneficiaries’ villages.


Purpose of the program:


Following the landing of cyclone PAM on the Vanuatu archipelago in March 2015, FRC in partnership with the VRCS responded to the emergency during three months to support the affected communities with the distribution emergency kits (WASH NFIs, shelter, cooking sets, and bedding), and rapid fixing of potable water supply and sheltering. The response was focused on Malampa, Shefa and Tafea provinces. In Tafea, VRCS focused on the communities of North Tanna.


The RECOVERY program will cover the same communities of North Tanna which were the most hardly hit by this cyclone in order to support them with the improvement of their resilience towards natural disasters. A DRR strategy mainstreams the activities with a community-based approach in each part of the program. The program was designed for a period of 24 months and has 3 complementary parts: to improve the habitat and the construction techniques (Construction/Shelter), to increase access to drinking water and better hygiene practices (WASH), and to support the communities in the preparedness and response to disasters (DRR).

All thematic heads of projects, based in Lenakel, Tanna, leads each part of the project.

Access to Water and Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) has been separated under two distinct qualifications: a hydrological engineer for water infrastructure and an awareness and health specialist for Hygiene promotion. Hygiene promotion is one of the mains elements of the project in order to decrease the increase health conditions and promote good hygiene behaviours. This activity consists to conduct the awareness’ and promoting good behaviours to be adopted by the community. Intervention will be focused on schools and churches.

The 16 target communities within north Tanna are within the areas of: Louamel, Imnakaip, Eluai, Lamakaoun, Lapangnuo, Lapasilis, Greenhill, Lowital, Laketam, Lepuku, Eniu, Imafen, Lowanpakel, Lounapaiu, Lauis, Hebron.






Under the supervision of the FRC DRR Head of Project (Tanna RECOVERY Project):

The Hygiene promotion Officer will be responsible for:


1.       Conducting hygiene promotion activities through schools (primary and secondary):

a)      Prepare for the training (Agenda detailed, school teacher mobilisation, logistics) based on tools and methodologies provided;

b)       Facilitate training of teachers on CHAST (Children Hygiene and Sanitation Training) methodology and tools;

c)       On-going visit to school to monitor and support teachers in awareness provided to students;

d)       Support schools in the development of massive awareness days on hygiene promotion


2.       Conducting hygiene promotion activities through churches:

a)      Knowledge of church leaders interested in hygiene promotion activities;

b)      Training of church leaders based on the PHAST methodology (Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Training);

c)       On-going visit to churches to monitor and support churches in awareness provided to community members;

3.       Organizing one Hand washing day in every schools and/or churches targeted in North Tanna

4.       Specific support given to Community Disaster Committee in hygiene promotion in emergency (Specific training provided on hygiene in emergency situations) linking with Water Committees and following the PHAST methodology;

5.       Preparation the end line survey on Hygiene promotion and regular monitoring on activities


Additionally within the North Tanna Recovery Team he/she will:


1.       Participate in the strategy implementation and preparation of activities with a strong coordination with the DRR team involved in schools and churches as well;

2.       Prepare and submit weekly and monthly progress reports to his/her line manager;

3.       Contribute to the intermediate and final reports to the VRCS and French Red Cross;

4.       Collect and organise all weekly and monthly training reports and transmit them to his/her line manager;

5.       Report immediately any delay or problem encountered;





·         Work towards the achievement of VRCS objectives in the country/province of operation through effective managerial and lateral relations and teamwork

·         Ensure understanding of roles, responsibilities, lateral relationships and accountabilities

·         To promote and respect Red Cross seven fundamentals principles

·         To perform other tasks as may be assigned by the FRC Head of Delegation






1.       Manage the implementation and monitoring of the sector activities


a)      Use tools and communication material for Hygiene Promotion activities with his line manager and in relation with provincial partners;

b)      Organize and participate as facilitator and/or trainer to the trainings related to Hygiene Promotion in Schools and churches (CHAST and PHAST methodology and tools);

c)       Support the school/churches in planning their work schedule for awareness programs to carry on under the supervision of his/her line manager;

d)      Support the School and Churches in Mobilizing village authority, village elders and vulnerable and special needs groups within the communities for active participation on the program activities;

e)      Provide technical training to CDC’s in the field regarding Hygiene in Emergency working with CDC Wash Focal point (PHAST Methodology used);

f)       Provide technical advices and support to CDC’s in the field concerning the implementation of the hygiene awareness if needed;

g)      Ensure that all expected results of the project are accomplished in a timely manner according to established timeline and within the budget allocated;

h)      Participate in all project monitoring and evaluation activities (KAP surveys, training evaluations, post distribution monitoring;



2. Ensure the logistic and administration of the project in relation with the Logistics and Admin departments:

a)      Respect security rules and ensure the respect of it by the program team;

b)      Plan and manage his sector budget and activities under the supervision of his/her line manager

c)       Open and close Operational Advance in a proper way in a due respect of the VRCS handbook;

d)      Participate actively to the setting up of trainings community / school meetings (transport, accommodation, venue…), and update it regularly


3. Support the program team and partners (Human Resource Management):

a)      Participates in the mobilization of community members, teachers and church leaders in the field

b)      Support and train volunteers, community committees, school committees;


4. Reporting

a)      Collect and organize all field supervision, write weekly/monthly reports and progress, and transmit them to the line manager;

b)      Contribute to the production of timely reports (narrative) ‐ monthly, intermediate and final reports to the VRCS and FRC;

c)       Reports immediately any delay or problem encountered;



Lateral relations

1.       Facilitate the collaboration between VRCS/FRC, the targeted communities and essential stakeholders in area of intervention.

2.       Develop and maintain an effective operational partnership with the technical partners, other relevant government departments (Provincial level) and provincial stakeholders as necessary.


Qualifications and profile required

Experience of health and /or Awareness, in the field of community based water and sanitation.

Demonstrated experience and competencies in at least two (2) of the following sectors:

·         Public health, Nurse, Health promotion or other similar field

·         Training, organisation of training and awareness activities

·         PHAST and CHAST activities


University graduate in one of these sectors or field related will be an asset.


Ability and flexibility to travel regularly, with missions of few days (1 week or 2 weeks) held in north Tanna (accommodation in the community expected).



Knowledge, skills and experiences required

1.       Degree, Diploma or certificate in Public health, Nursing, Social Work, Rural development, facilitation or human development

2.       Training and facilitation skills

3.       Community mobilization experiences

4.       Knowledge about PHAST and CHAST approaches

5.       Interest to work with children and churches (experience in that area will be appreciated)

6.       Interest in sharing professional skills as well as learning from others

7.       Excellent computer skills (Internet, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)

8.       Excellent communication, drafting and presentation skills

9.       Team management

10.   Knowledge of the Vanuatu context preferred

11.   Knowledge of Bishlamar preferred

12.   Open-minded, dynamic and flexible

13.   English and/or French speaker required

14.   Knowledge of Red Cross movement will be an asset



·         According to the VRCS internal regulations

·         Flexibility in working schedule may be required, according to program needs and fixed timeframe


VRCS is an organization involved in emergency, early recovery and development program. Therefore, all VRCS staff have to be available at any time in order to respond to any emergency work, should the need arise.


Applications should be submitted, no later than 16th of January 2017 at:

VRCS HR Department, PO Box 3459, Port-Vila, Vanuatu[I1] 


Application by email:


Only short listed candidates will be contacted.


The application must contain the following documents:

-Resume updated

-Work certificate

-Motivation letter


-Copy of diplomas




 [I1]Add Tanna Branch Office ?




Vanuatu Red Cross Society is seeking applications for a dynamic and highly motivated person to immediately fill the position of Project Supervisor – Coastal Resiliency to join its VRCS team in Luganville, Santo


Qualifications and Profile required:

·         At least 5 years experience in project management with experience in Disaster Management/Climate Change Field ;

·         Bachelor’s degree in relevant discipline would be an advantage

·         Well organised

·         Able to work both as part of a team and with minimal supervision

·         Capable and confident public speaker

·         Current driver’s licence with clean driving record

·         Willing to travel as required

·         Ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines

·         Self-motivated, with good judgment and initiative.

·         Able to prioritize, meet deadlines, and achieve results through collaboration.

·         Must be flexible and adaptive to change


Knowledge & Skills:

·         Prior experience managing community development or disaster recovery programs

·         Experience in community consultation and stakeholder engagement

·         Proven experience managing financial information and program budgets

·         Strong financial management skills

·         Excellent interpersonal skills

·         Effective time management skills

·         Knowledge of various association, networks, groups in the country which would be relevant for the successful implementation of the project

·         Knowledge of various laws, policies, programmes and ways of working related to disaster management/risk reduction both at the national and local level.

·         Strong communication and interpersonal skills

·         Excellent communication skills in Bislama

·         Excellent communication skills (oral and written) in English

·         Knowledge of the Vanuatu context and cultural traditions

·         Good computer skills (Windows, Spreadsheets, Word Processing)

·         Knowledge of the Red Cross Movement is an asset


VRCS is an organisation involved in emergency, early recovery and development programs. Therefore, all VRCS staff have to be available at any time in order to respond to any emergency work, should the need arise.


All Vanuatu Red Cross staff must agree to and sign the Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct as well as providing a current police clearance. This is a condition of employment.


Interested applicants are invited to pick up a more detailed job description of this position at Vanuatu Red Cross Office (located at No 2 opposite ABM No2), or send request by mail to:


Submit your application letter with CV and copies of Certificates and References directly to our Head Office or via email: or Post addressed to HR Department, Vanuatu Red Cross Society PO Box 618, Port Vila.  

Contact Person:   Joanna Kalpokas – 27418


Applications close on Friday 3rd November 2016 at 5.00pm.


Job description



Project Supervisor


Position Title:                                    Project Supervisor

Line Manager:                                   DRM Coordinator

Reporting to:                                     DRM Coordinator


Job location:                                       VRCS Santo Branch with rare field trips

Contract period:                               Contract to 30th April 2018


Purpose of the job:


The Project Supervisor will be responsible for the oversight of the design and implementation of the Coastal Cities Resilience project activities. The position will report to the DRM Coordinator and have four staff or trainees reporting to them.



Purpose of the program:


The Global Disaster Preparedness Centre (GDPC) recently received an award from OFDA/USAID to pilot, in up to two countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, coalition-building to enable climate smart investments that promote community resilience. The project will be a prototyping and learning platform for a wider initiative – the One Billion Coalition (1BC) – that will offer opportunities for greater scaling globally. The vision for 1BC is to enable a much greater number of communities to initiate and sustain resilience activities that are climate smart and responsive to community needs and priorities.


The project will build on existing approaches to community assessment, problem-solving and outreach to individual, household, and small businesses on preparedness measures that have been developed by the RCRC network. With guidance from the RCRC Climate Centre, through tools such as the Climate Training Kit, many of these methodological approaches are already being adapted to better integrate attention to climate-related risks in assessment and program design and to minimize the potential for mal-adaptation in solutions that are adopted.


Building on these existing approaches, the project will focus on creating and bundling relevant tools and resources to make them easily available and applicable, even for use in do-it-yourself fashion. Additionally the program will entail a city-wide civic process to build or strengthen local coalitions (as partnerships with a shared vision and mutual interests) in order to guide and foster work at the community level while tapping the wide range of resources available in cities. This coalition-building process will draw on the convening power of the RCRC, and engage a wider set of interested stakeholders from local government, other civil society organizations , the private sector, academia, and community volunteers to identify and pursue locally developed solutions for resilience and climate change adaptation. The Red Cross will also facilitate coordination between these local coalitions and relevant national climate related focal points and regional institutions to ensure local solutions are considered in the national and international level planning processes.


After a series of regional inception activities, the project activities will be piloted in one city of Vanuatu being

Luganville, focusing in particular on addressing climate-relate d risks, e.g. changing precipitation patterns, increased coastal flooding, storm surge, and sea level rise.



Purpose of the Society

Founded in 1982, Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS) is a major stakeholder in the humanitarian system. The Society is recognized by the Government as auxiliary to the public authorities in the humanitarian field in accordance with the provisions of the First Geneva Convention. The organization is also one member of the National Disaster Committee.

VRCS has identified Disaster Management and Disaster Preparedness as one of its main areas of intervention with a particular focus on community based disaster preparedness. It also implements a Health Program, whose main components are First Aid and Hygiene Promotion. The organization also encourages Youth participation and promotes the International Humanitarian Law.

VRCS has branches in 6 different provinces and numerous sub-branches. It can also rely on a solid network of trained volunteers all over the country. Around 30 staff members are currently working at HQ in Efate, while around 20 are working in the other islands.



Specific Project duties, responsibilities and accountabilities



·         Work towards the achievement of VRCS objectives in the country/province of operation through effective managerial and lateral relations and teamwork

·         Ensure understanding of roles, responsibilities, lateral relationships and accountabilities

  • To perform other tasks as may be assigned by the VRCS CEO (up to 10 % of work time might be dedicated to other VRCS activities)



Under the supervision and direction of the DRM Coordinator, the Project Supervisor will be responsible for:



  1. Lead the implementation monitoring and evaluation the Coastal Cities Resiliency project:

Ø Prepare and implement activity plans for achieving program outcomes: including developing partnerships, maintaining relationships with stakeholders and leading the community consultation process to shortlist and select participants

Ø Manage multiple project activities through effective time management and prioritisation of tasks

Ø Prepare accurate and cost-effective budgets for program activities

Ø Work at both the national and branch level in identifying and working with various networks, groups and association (including public, private, and civil society sectors) towards the strengthening or building of city coalition on community resilience. This would also call for working closely with the IFRC One Billion Coalition of Resilience.

Ø Liaise with government authorities, agencies and departments both at the national and local level for the implementation of project activities.

Ø Identify and monitor all potential project risks and plan for actions to mitigate the risk and its impact to the project performance.

Ø Prepare project documentation and reporting to ensure all required reports are submitted on time, accurately, and completely




  1. Coordinate and oversee effective monitoring and evaluation of project activities including assessments, baselines, end-lines and evaluations as required.


  1. Manage finances relating to project activities, including:

Ø  Effective and accurate budget tracking

Ø  Requesting funds to carry out agreed tasks in a timely manner

Ø  Managing activities within agreed budgets

Ø  Acquitting funds, including providing the specified documentation


4.       Participate in inter-agency groups and maintain strong working relationships with partner organisations, government and other external stakeholders


  1. Prepare trip reports following each trip and each community engagement


6.       Program Coordination


Ø  Assist VRCS DRM Coordinator with the coordination of the VRCS DM program planning and operational activities.

Ø  Support the continued development of the Vanuatu Red Cross programs, including timelines, community needs assessments, activity plans, detailed budgets, risk assessment, implementation, monitoring and reporting in consultation with VRCS and IFRC counterparts.

Ø  Work with Child Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) personnel to ensure that the design, implementation and monitoring of all activities promotes safety, inclusion and equality for all.

Ø  Work with Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Learning (MERL) personnel through a participatory process to assist in implementing the MERL framework that includes success measures, defined by stakeholders and the affected population.

Ø  In addition to key responsibilities all workers are expected to contribute at least 10% of their work time to assisting VRCS and will need to be flexible to take on other tasks as requested by their manager.

Any other tasks which may be assigned by the VRCS DRM Coordinator or partner organisations.


Qualifications and profile required


·         At least 5 years experience in Disaster Management/Climate Change Field with experience in project management;

·         Bachelor’s degree in relevant discipline would be an advantage

·         Well organised

·         Able to work both as part of a team and with minimal supervision

·         Capable and confident public speaker

·         Current driver’s licence with clean driving record

·         Willing to travel as required

·         Ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines

·         Self-motivated, with good judgment and initiative.

·         Able to prioritize, meet deadlines, and achieve results through collaboration.

·         Must be flexible and adaptive to change


Knowledge & skills required


·         Prior experience managing community development or disaster recovery programs

·         Experience in community consultation and stakeholder engagement

·         Proven experience managing financial information and program budgets

·         Strong financial management skills

·         Excellent interpersonal skills

·         Effective time management skills

·         Knowledge of various association, networks, groups in the country which would be relevant for the successful implementation of the project

·         Knowledge of various laws, policies, programmes and ways of working related to disaster management/risk reduction both at the national and local level.

·         Strong communication and interpersonal skills

·         Excellent communication skills in Bislama

·         Excellent communication skills (oral and written) in English

·         Knowledge of the Vanuatu context and cultural traditions

·         Good computers skills (Windows, Spreadsheets, Word Processing)

·         Knowledge of the Red Cross Movement is an asset




·         This is a full time position.

·         Flexibility in working schedule will be required according to needs.


VRCS is an organisation involved in emergency, early recovery and development programs. Therefore, all VRCS staff have to be available at any time in order to respond to any emergency work, should the need arise.


All Vanuatu Red Cross staff must agree to and sign the Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct as well as providing a current police clearance. This is a condition of employment.



Finance and Administration Assistant 

Vanuatu Red Cross Society is seeking applications for a dynamic and highly motivated person to immediately fill the position of Finance & Administration Assistant – Coastal Resiliency - to join its VRCS team in Luganville, Santo.


Qualifications and Profile required:

  • Post-secondary education, year 13 or above;
  • Minimum 2 years experience working in administration or finance;
  • Experience working with NGOs/not-for-profit organisations;
  • Experience working with MYOB.


Knowledge & Skills:

·         Excellent computer skills (Internet, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook);

·         Excellent communication skills (oral and written);

·         Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills;

·         Strong sense of responsibility and control;

·         Well presented and personable;

·         Fluent Bislama required;

·         Fluent English and/or French required;

·         Open-minded, dynamic and flexible;

·         Knowledge of Red Cross movement will be an asset;

·         Driving license required.


VRCS is an organisation involved in emergency, early recovery and development programs. Therefore, all VRCS staff have to be available at any time in order to respond to any emergency work, should the need arise.


All Vanuatu Red Cross staff must agree to and sign the Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct as well as providing a current police clearance. This is a condition of employment.


Interested applicants are invited to pick up a more detailed job description of this position at Vanuatu Red Cross Office (located at No 2 opposite ABM No2), or from our branch located at the Sanma Provincial Head Quarters in Luganville, Santo or send request by mail to:


Submit your application letter with CV and copies of Certificates and References directly to our Head Office or via email: or Post addressed to HR Department, Vanuatu Red Cross Society PO Box 618, Port Vila.  

Contact Persons:   Joanna Kalpokas – 27418 or Shirley Johnson, VRCS Santo Branch, Sanma Provincial Head Quarters.


Applications close on Tuesday 8th November 2016 at 5.00pm.


Job description



Finance & Administration Assistant



Position Title:                                    Finance & Administration Assistant

Line Manager:                                   Finance Manager

Reporting to:                                     Project Supervisor

Job location:                                       VRCS Santo office in Luganville with rare field trips


Purpose of the job: The Finance & Administration Assistant will assist the Project Supervisor with administrative tasks related to the management of Vanuatu Red Cross Society’s Coastal Cities Resilience project.


Purpose of the Program:

The Global Disaster Preparedness Centre (GDPC) recently received an award from OFDA/USAID to pilot, in up to two countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, coalition-building to enable climate smart investments that promote community resilience. The project will be a prototyping and learning platform for a wider initiative – the One Billion Coalition (1BC) – that will offer opportunities for greater scaling globally. The vision for 1BC is to enable a much greater number of communities to initiate and sustain resilience activities that are climate smart and responsive to community needs and priorities.


The project will build on existing approaches to community assessment, problem-solving and outreach to individual, household, and small businesses on preparedness measures that have been developed by the RCRC network. With guidance from the RCRC Climate Centre, through tools such as the Climate Training Kit, many of these methodological approaches are already being adapted to better integrate attention to climate-related risks in assessment and program design and to minimize the potential for mal-adaptation in solutions that are adopted.


Building on these existing approaches, the project will focus on creating and bundling relevant tools and resources to make them easily available and applicable, even for use in do-it-yourself fashion. Additionally the program will entail a city-wide civic process to build or strengthen local coalitions (as partnerships with a shared vision and mutual interests) in order to guide and foster work at the community level while tapping the wide range of resources available in cities. This coalition-building process will draw on the convening power of the RCRC, and engage a wider set of interested stakeholders from local government, other civil society organizations, the private sector, academia, and community volunteers to identify and pursue locally developed solutions for resilience and climate change adaptation. The Red Cross will also facilitate coordination between these local coalitions and relevant national climate related focal points and regional institutions to ensure local solutions are considered in the national and international level planning processes.


After a series of regional inception activities, the project activities will be piloted in one city of Vanuatu being Lugan Ville, focusing in particular on addressing climate-relate d risks, e.g. changing precipitation patterns, increased coastal flooding, storm surge, and sea level rise.



Purpose of the Society

Founded in 1982, Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS) is a major stakeholder in the humanitarian system. The Society is recognized by the Government as auxiliary to the public authorities in the humanitarian field in accordance with the provisions of the First Geneva Convention. The organization is also one member of the National Disaster Committee.

VRCS has identified Disaster Management and Disaster Preparedness as one of its main areas of intervention with a particular focus on community based disaster preparedness. It also implements a Health Program, whose main components are First Aid and Hygiene Promotion. The organization also encourages Youth participation and promotes the International Humanitarian Law.

VRCS has branches in 6 different provinces and numerous sub-branches. It can also rely on a solid network of trained volunteers all over the country. Around 30 staff members are currently working at HQ in Efate, while around 20 are working in the other islands.



Specific Project duties, responsibilities and accountabilities



·         Work towards the achievement of VRCS objectives in the country/province of operation through effective managerial and lateral relations and teamwork

·         Ensure understanding of roles, responsibilities, lateral relationships and accountabilities

  • To perform other tasks as may be assigned by the VRCS CEO (up to 10 % of work time might be dedicated to other VRCS activities)



Under the supervision and direction of the Project Supervisor, the Finance & Administration Assistant will be responsible for:


1.       Project Administration Duties

·         Maintains project records including data entry and database management.

·         Records accurate meeting minutes and distribute promptly to relevant staff/stakeholders

·         Ensures effective and efficient filing systems are in place and files all information accordingly.

·         Protects operations by maintaining confidentiality of information.

·         Drafts letters and documents as requested by the Project Supervisor

·         Maintenance of databases.

·         Other administrative duties as required.


  1. Office Management
    • Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; following manufacturer's instructions; troubleshooting malfunctions; calling for repairs; maintaining equipment inventories; evaluating new equipment and techniques.
    • Maintains office supplies inventory by checking stock to determine inventory level; anticipating needed supplies; placing orders for supplies; verifying receipt of supplies.


3.     Financial Management

·         Prepare requisitions for expenditure

·         Receive review and process expenditures reports from the field and the staff.

·         Review and process fund requests from the field and confirm planned expenditures are in-line with the project budgets.

·         Manage expenditure tracking for each project.

·         Maintain program financial documentation and records.

·         Monitoring cash movements in all bank accounts and communicate with bank officers.

·         Ensuring the all original supporting documents are attached in each financial transaction.

·         Enter fixed assets into MYOB

·         Provide report of fixed assets to Logistics staff to enable reconciliation and update of MYOB

·         Arranging for staff to sign payroll slips






Qualifications and profile required


·         Post-secondary education, year 13 or above;

·         Minimum 2 years experience working in administration or finance;

·         Experience working with NGOs/not-for-profit organisations;

·         Experience working with MYOB.





Knowledge & skills required


·         Excellent computer skills (Internet, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook);

·         Excellent communication skills (oral and written);

·         Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills;

·         Strong sense of responsibility and control;

·         Well presented and personable;

·         Fluent Bislama required;

·         Fluent English and/or French required;

·         Open-minded, dynamic and flexible;

·         Knowledge of Red Cross movement will be an asset;

·         Driving license required.




·         This is a full time position.

·         Flexibility in working schedule will be required according to needs.


VRCS is an organization involved in emergency, early recovery and development program. Therefore, all VRCS staff have to be available at any time in order to respond to any emergency work, should the need arise.



Provincial Simulation Exercise in Torba

Workshop Participants and Facilitators

Workshop Participants and Facilitators

From 11th to 14th of October in Sola, the Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS)/French Red Cross (FRC) organized a Provincial Disaster Simulation Exercise (SIMEX). This activity was organized in the frame of a disaster risk reduction project funded by the European Union and implemented by the VRCS/FRC in partnership with 25 communities of Torba Province.

Working Group Brainstorming during simulation exercise

Working Group Brainstorming during simulation exercise

The SIMEX was designed to gather last feedbacks from and to get consensus within the Provincial Disaster Committee (PDC) and Area Council Secretaries (ACS) to finalize the Provincial Disaster Plan (PDP) for Torba Province, as well as to test the procedures developed in the plan. PDC coordination role in particular was tested for Provincial Emergency Operations (PEOC) set up, early warning dissemination, compilation of results from community first damage assessment forms, organization of technical assessments, and definition of response options. The Standard Operations Procedures guiding these actions are described in the plan and will help the Provincial Government and communities of Torba Province - composed of numerous scattered islands where some of the remotest communities in Vanuatu live - to be better prepared in case of natural disaster and to organize an efficient response.

In real action conditions, participants had to deal with a Category 3 Tropical Cyclone threatening whole Torba Province. Injects were timely released by facilitators according to the scenario chosen. They included text messages and emails from the National Disaster Management Office and the Vanuatu Meteorological and Geo-hazards Department, phone and radio calls from ACS, letters from partners, etc. The SIMEX was closed by the organization of a fake TV interview on Voice Blong Torba Show (see picture). Besides, upon PDC members’ request, two (2) sessions were offered by the VMGDon El Niño /La Niña phenomena and conducted by a VMGD staff stationned in Sola for a few months. Finally, The SIMEX was also an opportunity to train participants on the Community First Assessment Form newly released by the NDMO, and to celebrate International Disaster Day on October 13th.

This Provincial Simulation Exercise is the first of its kind to be ever conducted in Vanuatu, along with the one conducted in Tafea Province at the very same time. The methodology was developed in the frame of the YUMI REDI Consortium, with the support of Oxfam. This SIMEX is also the result of months of collective efforts from the NDMO, the Red Cross, PDC members and ACS. More than 20 PDC members (representing most of the provincial department) and 3 ACS for Torba Province came over to participate in the four-day training and SIMEX along with NDMO representatives and the Secretary General for Torba Province Mrs. Ketty Napwatt. “I am glad we will finally have our Provincial Disaster Plan in Torba Province; this is a true achievement for everyone and a guideline we can refer to. Besides, a simulation exercise is a good way to identify gaps.” – said Judah Silas, Chief of Police, PDC Chairman playing Operations Manager during the SIMEX and PDC member.

Exercise on Risk Maps

Exercise on Risk Maps

VRCS/FRC and NDMO facilitators were impressed by PDC members’ reactivity and involvement, which is the result of a fruitful 6-year partnership between the Red Cross, the NDMO, Torba Provincial Government and communities. Another result is the development and appropriation of tools by PDC members. Indeed, the tools developed throughout the project (e.g. Risk Maps of all islands of Torba Province) were presented to and used by participants during exercises. At the end of the week, they were donated to Torba Provincial Government to be used at the new NDMO Office opening in November. Material was also donated to ACS for them to use it in their respective offices on the islands. After the tremendous work carried out together and with these new tools, partners trust Torba Province is equipped to cope rapidly and effectively with future disasters.

The last steps before ending this long partnership with Torba Province comprise the signature of the PDRP by the NDMO, Torba Province and the VMGD, as well as a Lessons Learned Workshop to officially hand over the final PDRP and to deliver the NDMO Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Handbook (that will be launched in November 2016). If this workshop will officially be the final point for Together Becoming Resilient program, Torba Province will still need continuous support due to its high vulnerability to disasters.

This article covers humanitarian aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of the European Union, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
















On the 13 October 2016 was the World Disaster Risk Reduction Day in which all agencies put aside to remember and advocate on measures to Mitigate and preparing everyone to become resilient to face any disaster.
Major Organizations including NDMO, GIZ, Oxfam, World vision, Wan Small Bag theater, save the Children, Ministry of Agriculture, DRR working Group, Red Cross, Fire station, Pro medical and the Ministry of Climate change has taken the initiative to March starting at Anchoor Inn to Independence Park.

The March was led by the Vanuatu Mobile Force; school Kids and Volunteers to the Independence Park.

The Day was a successful day where Boot Camp where being set up by NDMO, Vanuatu Red Cross and other Organizations had Put up Disaster posters and awareness on different disaster, on how to prepare before, during and After Disaster. Also Red Cross has taken the initiative to show case some activities that Red Cross society has done with the communities and also services that we can provide to the communities such as First Aid Trainings.

Position: Livelihoods Gender & Child Protection Supervisor ARC/VRCS TC Pam Recovery

Position Summary

The Livelihoods, Gender & Child Protection Supervisor role is provided by Australian Red Cross (ARC) as part of the commitment made in the aftermath of TC Pam with funds raised from the ARC TC Pam Appeal.

The Livelihoods, Gender & Child Protection Supervisor (TC Pam Recovery) will report to the VRCS Programs or Health Coordinator and the ARC Senior Program Lead assisting with the bilateral ARC/VRCS recovery work across Efate and the provincial branches.

The Livelihoods, Gender & Child Protection Supervisor is responsible for managing the livelihoods recovery work including: skills workshops for young men and women from urban areas of Efate and offshore islands.

The Livelihoods, Gender & Child Protection Supervisor is also responsible for supporting the Gender, Protection and Inclusion focal point through the implementation of work including: mainstreaming gender, protection and inclusion in all Red Cross activities, ensuring compliance for all Red Cross staff and volunteers with the Vanuatu Red Cross Child Protection Policy and managing community awareness activities. This work is part of the broader ARC/VRCS bilateral recovery Livelihoods and Protection, Gender & Inclusion work as outlined within the One Recovery Plan.

The Livelihoods, Gender & Child Protection Supervisor will oversee the management, implementation and evaluation of the Livelihoods Project. A strong focus on partnership development and community consultation is essential to this role.

This role will also support the implementation of Gender, Protection and Inclusion work within the bilateral recovery localities and will assist with other ARC funded programs within Vanuatu as requested. This will include ensuring all recovery programs have risk assessments for child protection and also supporting the ARC senior program lead in monitoring, accountability and evaluation aspects within all of the ARC / VRCS recovery work.

This role must support a community development model for recovery encompassing strong community participation, accountability aspects and establishing behaviour change.

Working within Vanuatu Red cross Society (VRCS), this role will work as a key role within the ARC/VRCS recovery team, as well as work in a coordinated way with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and French Red Cross (FRC) as part of the Red Cross Movement coordinated operation.






Position Responsibilities

Key Responsibilities


  1. Lead the implementation monitoring and evaluation for Livelihoods, Gender and Protection projects:

Ø Prepare and implement activity plans for achieving program outcomes: including developing partnerships and maintaining relationships with training providers and leading the community consultation process to shortlist and select participants

Ø Manage multiple project activities through effective time management and prioritisation of tasks

Ø Prepare accurate and cost-effective budgets for program activities

Ø Assist in the preparation of funding proposals for livelihoods, gender and protection projects


  1. Oversee and facilitate implementation of livelihoods skills workshop programs

Ø  Oversee the delivery of the training programs to ensure participants are going through the program smoothly

Ø  Supervision of livelihoods team to complete project activities

Ø  Recruitment and liaison with workshop instructors and/or partner providers

Ø  Maintaining records of participants



  1. Coordinate and oversee effective monitoring and evaluation of livelihoods, gender and protection programs including  assessments, baselines, end-lines and evaluations as required.


4.       Promote compliance with the Child Protection Policy within VRCS and Red Cross partners:

Ø  Assist in facilitating regular training for staff and volunteers

Ø  Maintain and update child protection database

Ø  Brief new staff and delegates on child protection responsibilities as required

Ø  Manage police clearance applications and document compliance for volunteers

Ø  Oversee and ensure compliance of all recovery programs with child protection risk assessments


  1. Manage finances relating to Livelihoods, Gender & Protection activities, including:

Ø  Effective and accurate budget tracking

Ø  Requesting funds to carry out agreed tasks in a timely manner

Ø  Managing activities within agreed budgets

Ø  Acquitting funds, including providing the specified documentation


6.       Participate in inter-agency groups and maintain strong working relationships with partner organisations, government and other external stakeholders


  1. Prepare trip reports following each trip and each community engagement


8.       Program Coordination


Ø  Assist ARC Senior Recovery Advisor with the coordination of the ARC contribution to planning and operational activities.

Ø  Support the continued development of the Red Cross TC Pam Vanuatu recovery program, (across all localities for programs) including timelines, community needs assessments, activity plans, detailed budgets, risk assessment, implementation , monitoring and reporting in consultation with VRCS and IFRC counterparts.

Ø  Work with Child Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) personnel to ensure that the design, implementation and monitoring of all activities promotes safety, inclusion and equality for all.

Ø  Work with Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Learning (MERL) personnel through a participatory process to assist in implementing the MERL framework that includes success measures, defined by stakeholders and the affected population.

Ø  In addition to key responsibilities all workers are expected to contribute at least 10% of their work time to assisting VRCS and will need to be flexible to take on other tasks as requested by their manager.

Any other tasks which may be assigned by the VRCS Programs Coordinator or the ARC Senior Program Lead.


Position Selection Criteria

Qualifications and profile required


·         Bachelor’s degree in relevant discipline

·         Skills and experience in livelihoods program management and/or gender and protection

·         Strong financial management skills

·         Excellent interpersonal skills

·         Effective time management skills

·         Well organised

·         Able to work both as part of a team and with minimal supervision

·         Capable and confident public speaker and trainer

·         Integrity

·         Current driver’s licence with clean driving record

·         Willing to travel as required


Knowledge & skills required


·         Prior experience managing community development or disaster recovery programs

·         Experience in community consultation and stakeholder engagement

·         Proven experience managing financial information and program budgets

·         Livelihoods and/or gender and protection experience desirable

·         Understanding of gender, inclusion and protection principles

·         Excellent communication skills in Bislama

·         Excellent communication skills (oral and written) in English

·         Knowledge of the Vanuatu context and cultural traditions

·         Ability to use Microsoft Word and Excel

·         Current drivers licence

·         Knowledge of the Red Cross Movement is an asset




·         This is a full time position.

·         Flexibility in working schedule will be required according to needs.


VRCS is an organisation involved in emergency, early recovery and development programs. Therefore, all VRCS staff have to be available at any time in order to respond to any emergency work, should the need arise.


All Vanuatu Red Cross staff must agree to and sign the Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct as well as providing a current police clearance. This is a condition of employment.



Vanuatu Red Cross Society, working jointly with the support of the Australian Red Cross, is seeking applications for a dynamic and highly motivated person to immediately fill the position of Livelihoods, Gender & Child Protection Supervisor to join its VRCS team in Port Vila.


Qualifications and Profile required:

·         Bachelor’s degree in relevant discipline

·         Skills and experience in livelihoods program management and/or gender and protection

·         Strong financial management skills

·         Excellent interpersonal skills

·         Effective time management skills

·         Well organized

·         Able to work both as part of a team and with minimal supervision

·         Capable and confident public speaker and trainer

·         Integrity

·         Current driver’s license with clean driving record

·         Willing to travel as required


Knowledge & Skills:

·         Prior experience managing community development or disaster recovery programs

·         Experience in community consultation and stakeholder engagement

·         Proven experience managing financial information and program budgets

·         Livelihoods and/or gender and protection experience desirable

·         Understanding of gender, inclusion and protection principles

·         Excellent communication skills in Bislama

·         Excellent communication skills (oral and written) in English

·         Knowledge of the Vanuatu context and cultural traditions 

·         Ability to use Microsoft Word and Excel

·         Current drivers license

·         Knowledge of the Red Cross Movement is an asset


VRCS is an organization involved in emergency, early recovery and development programs. Therefore, all VRCS staff have to be available at any time in order to respond to any emergency work, should the need arise.


All Vanuatu Red Cross staff must agree to and sign the Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct as well as providing a current police clearance. This is a condition of employment.


Interested applicants are invited to pick up a more detailed job description of this position at Vanuatu Red Cross Office (located at No 2 opposite ABM No2), or send request by mail to:


Submit your application letter with CV and copies of Certificates and References directly to our Head Office or via email: or Post addressed to HR Department, Vanuatu Red Cross Society PO Box 618, Port Vila.   Contact Person:   Joanna Kalpokas – 27418


Applications close on Monday 24th October 2016 at 5.00pm.







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Signature of MoU in Mataka (Gaua Island, Banks Islands, Torba Province) with representatives of Health Center and the Red Cross

The Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS), supported by the French Red Cross (FRC), donated two boats to health centers and one to Torba Province in 2015/2016.

In December last year, the Red Cross (RC) donated two boats along with equipment to Loh (Torres Islands) and to Mataka (Gaua Island, Banks Islands) Health Centers. In February this year, a third boat was donated to Torba Province in Sola (Vanualava, Banks Islands). “The RC activities in Torba tend to decrease with only one project left at the end of December this year. However, we want these boats to continue benefitting the extremely remote populations of Torres and Banks Islands, most of them we have been working with for 6 years. This is the reason why we donated them to these actors.” - explains Julien Lamberti, former RC Head of Project for the Disaster Risk Reduction project “Together Becoming Resilient” currently being implemented in the region.






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Boat Donation to Loh Health Centre (Torres Islands, Torba Province) with representatives of the Health Center and of the Red Cross

In order to formalize the donations, tripartite Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) were signed between beneficiary Health Centers (Torba Province for the third boat), the Health Department of Torba Province and the VRCS. From the signature of the agreements onwards, the Health Centers and Torba Province have been authorized to use the boats as they will. Nonetheless and until the end of the RC project, the boats will remain available to the Red Cross and its staff if when needed. “The 3 boats will be used to take care of approximately 3,000 people, in areas where it can take up to two days of walk to reach the communities. The two firsts will give the inhabitants access to minimum health care, and the third one will be available for assessments and distributions in case of disaster. The Province has always been a major Red Cross partner for disaster risk reduction.” - Julien concludes.



Hi everyone the Vanuatu Red Cross Annual Gala Night will take place this month on the 25 of June at the newly refurbished Holiday Inn Resort!

The Theme is: "Glories of the Roman Empire" and it promises to be a fun filled night! Buffet dinner, raffle, prizes for best costumes!
Dress: Ancient Rome, Greece or Egypt!
Get your togas & Roman sandals on and come join the party!!

This year we are raising funds for Disaster Preparedness and disaster response!

Spaces are limited! Only 6,500Vt per person!

To purchase your tickets please contact the Vanuatu Red Cross on (+678) 27418 or email or

Please tell, forward and share this message on your personal FB page and with all your friends and relatives.

We look forward to seeing you there!!!