COVID-19 Inter-Action Review Meeting

The Ministry Health (MoH) this week organized a COVID-19 Inter-Action Review Meeting with stakeholders. Vanuatu Red Cross Society COVID-19 Focal Point & Senior First Aid Instructor – Denny Manvoi met with the government organizations and stakeholders including Shefa Provincial Government Council, Shefa Health Promotion page, National Disaster Management Office, Department of Local Authorities, Vanuatu, Department of Foreign Affairs, Vanuatu Customs and Inland Revenue, Air Vanuatu, Airports Vanuatu, Department of Vanuatu Immigration, Hotel Industries, Health Promotions Vanuatu and the WASH Cluster.

During the meeting the main points discussed were around What was in place prior to the response towards Covid-19? Most stakeholders confirmed Response plans, SOP’s, Coordination Mechanisms and Resources. For VRCS there are Plannings in place prior, Training of Volunteers from IFR, Simulation exercises conducted and Awareness program ongoing to equip everyone ready if there is a Covid outbreak and we do also have SOP. The meeting further stated some Way forward and recommendations, Priorities and workplan to strengthen working relationships or Networking with partners involved in Public Health Emergency – Boarder Agencies, Hospitality Services, Transfer Services, Provincial Governments and NGO’s.

Vanuatu Red Cross Society

Shefa Health Promotion page

National Disaster Management Office

Department of Local Authorities, Vanuatu

Air Vanuatu

Airports Vanuatu








COVID-19 Inter-Action Review Meeting with stakeholders.

Strengthening Community Preparedness and Resilience to Epidemic Disease Threads in the Asia Pacific Region.

Day one of the Global Health Security Conference Meeting in Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Center.

This day one gathers together all participants and presenters are member of the Global Health Security Network, such as: IFRC, Red Cross Partner Organisations, Red Cross National Societies, WHO, UNICEF, Control Disease Center (CDC) in USA, Government Representatives, Donor Partners and other Health Agencies came together to learn and discuss on Strengthening Community Preparedness and Resilience to Epidemic Disease Threads in the Asia Pacific Region.

"Group discussion - Epidemic Preparedness: US, Kenya, Australia, UK, Fiji and Vanuatu. Interesting Discussions & I have a lot of knowledge and experience from VRCS work in Vanuatu," says Lindah Peter - Resilience, Health and WASH Coordinator, VRCS.

Visit VRCS website here:

Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre

#InterestingDiscussion #VastExperience_SoundKnowledge

Group discussion - Global Health Security Conference Meeting in Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Center. 1

Group discussion - Global Health Security Conference Meeting in Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Center. 2

National Youth Rep – Brendon Tari Joins the IFRC General Assembly Meeting

The Vanuatu Red Cross Society National Youth Rep – Brendon Tari is polite to virtually joined the IFRC General Assembly Meeting along with the VRCS President Mr. Moses Stevens Jenery, the Secretary General Mr. Dickinson Tevi and members of the IFRC in Geneva – Switzerland.

Tari’s participation is really important as he represents all VRCS Youths and Volunteers at the National Board to debate around the Youth Strategy and Policies of Youths and Volunteers not only volunteers but Climate Changes Programs, Resilience, First aid, Humanitarian data and Protection Gender Inclusion. The main purpose of having Tari Participating in this meeting, is to allow him to understand how the IFRC National Board, Council of the Delegate discussions around Youth and Volunteer policies and strategies, and approve youth and volunteer policies and strategies.

“Attending this General Assembly is quite a new thing for me as a National Youth Rep of 2022. So therefore, this meeting helps me a lot. This meeting also helps me discover new thoughts, new ways on how people shared their experiences on different hazards that faced in different places, and also shows how people have been asked to assist during those disasters or hazard. This brings me to also see how this meeting have plans for the future. Furthermore, one of the important points that this meeting was based on recently is Climate Change and it is quite an interesting point that have been overtaken during this meeting,” says the VRCS National Youth Rep – Brendon Tari.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

#Youths #Volunteers

BRENDON TARI - VRCS National Youth Rep

Global Health Security Conference 2022 - Singapore

Did you know that the Global Health Security Conference Meeting is happening this week from June 28th to July 1st, 2022 in Singapore?

We are excited about it and the Vanuatu Red Cross Society will be represented by it's Resilience, Health and WASH Coordinator Miss. Lindah Peter to attend the 4 days conference organized by the Global Health Security Network at Suntec Convention and Exhibition Center, Singapore.

The purpose of the Global Health Security Conference 2022 is to highlight the core role that civil society actors such as the Red Cross/Red Crescent national societies play in national epidemic and pandemic preparedness strategies and implementation plans through sharing experiences of Red Cross/Red Crescent representatives from the Pacific and Asia alongside government and non-government stakeholders during the COVID-19 pandemic and outbreaks of other epidemic prone diseases; Engage other stakeholders, including public health officials, private sector and academics) to understand their perspective on the role of civil society and communities in strengthening and extending health systems; and Draw out lessons learned and how they can be harnessed to continue strengthening global, regional and national health security frameworks and tools.

"Global Health Security Conference 2022 will promote a dynamic and contemporary program that will include a mixture of keynote panel presentations, dedicated sessions, and lively discussions and debate on the challenges that impact global health security," says Lindah Peter - Resilience, Health and WASH Coordinator, VRCS.

Visit Global Health Security Network here:

Resilience, Health and WASH Coordinator Miss. Lindah Peter.

“June Asks Which Mind Set Do You Have?”.

Carol Dweck is a researcher at Stanford University in the USA who did a lot of research comparing schoolchildren with a fixed mindset versus children with a growth mindset. She found that there were significant and consistent differences between the two groups of students.

She also found that individuals with a growth mindset turned out to have more success both at school and in the workplace.

Sometimes, the people considered the most talented at the start of a year ended up underperforming. One of the main reasons for this was their fixed mindset. They thought that they couldn't change, so they didn't take on any feedback from others or keep trying to improve. Instead, they took as many easy tasks as possible and avoided doing anything new or challenging.

Other times, students who were not considered the most intelligent at the start of the year ended up outperforming many other kids who seemed more naturally gifted. This is mainly because they have a growth mindset. They kept trying to challenge themselves, saw mistakes as an opportunity to learn and get feedback from others so that they could keep improving, and they never gave up. Eventually, their continued effort and hard work paid off, and their grades at the end of the year were a lot higher than expected.

If you think you might tend towards a fixed mindset and want to develop a growth mindset, try to remember the following. When I have a growth mindset:

Intelligence or talent plays a role in how successful someone is. But having a growth mindset and putting in the effort to continue learning and growing is even more critical to your overall success.

If you have a setback with something, that is okay. See if you can learn anything from it, get advice if you need it from others, and keep trying until you get to where you want to go. A growth mindset and persistence will give you a better chance of eventually getting there.

If you need any extra support or guidance, please send us a message at Mental Health Vanuatu on Facebook or via Come visit us at the Mind Care Clinic at Vila Central Hospital or call us on Voip: 1081.



Your Mindset Determines Your Success.

Francesco Rocca wins re-election as President of the IRFC.

As a member of IFRC, Vanuatu Red Cross Society is represented by it's President Mr Moses Stevens Jenery and Secretary General Mr Dickinson Tevi. The Annual General Assembly was opened yesterday on June 19 2022 in Geneva. A key item on yesterday's AGM was the election of the President. Francesco Rocca as the incumbent President has secured a 2nd four-year term following election results. Mr Rocca was elected by representatives of 192 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies at the IFRC’s 23rd General Assembly held in Geneva. Former VRCS President Ati George Sokomanu voted for Francesco Rocca as President of IFRC when he won the elections in 2017. Rocca’s 1st term was up and yesterday President Moses Stevens Jenery also voted for Francesco Rocca again as IFRC President.

More stories inside this link:


International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent SocietiesVanuatu Red Cross Society

President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Vanuatu Red Cross Society is represented by it's President Mr Moses Stevens Jenery and Secretary General Mr Dickinson Tevi.

Council of Delegates Meeting of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

During the Council of Delegates Meeting of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies at Geneva - Switzerland, Vanuatu Red Cross Society made an intervention on behalf of the Pacific Island States.

The statement primarily addresses the need to develop capacities at community levels in Anticipatory Action and empower communities with resources to enable them to take the right action at the right time. This is to help them to deal with the impacts of Climate Change.

It is based on the assumption that local knowledge is the key platform in which the capacity will be developed.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

IFRC Statutory Meetings

Geneva - Switzerland

VRCS President Moses Stevens Jenery and SG Dickinson Tevi are currently attending the IFRC Statutory Meetings in Geneva. In between meetings they had opportunities to meet up with various collegues.

One such recent meeting was held with the American Red Cross (ARC) Director of Preparedness Programs & Global Disaster Preparedness Centre Mr Omar Abou-Samra.

The meeting has confirmed ARC's interest to support VRCS with a new medium to long-term funding on Disaster and Climate Change activities in Vanuatu.

VRCS currently has presence of it Branch establishments in all 6 provinces of the Republic of Vanuatu. It also currently has over 300 active volunteers throughout the country who are ready to be engaged in activity implementation and support.

Segretary General Dickinson Tevi and Moses Stevens Jenery with the American Red Cross (ARC) Director of Preparedness Programs & Global Disaster Preparedness Centre Mr Omar Abou-Samra.

VRCS Volunteers Roles & Responsibilities

Helping the most vulnerable, without discrimination, through voluntary service for a resilient and inclusive Vanuatu.

With funding through the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Vanuatu Red Cross Society conducted an induction training this week with the Volunteers of VRCS in Tafea Branch. The purpose of the induction training is to help volunteers to learn and understand their roles and responsibilities as volunteers and also understand the role of VRCS, the seven principals or rules and policies that will guide them while conducting voluntary work in the field or in a community before, during and after a disaster. It was wonderful to see them recognize their roles and responsibilities and start to step into their role as volunteers of VRCS!

"Youths can also have a great impact on the environment or Society during disasters or even during pandemic crisis where they can help distribute Non Food Items (NFI) to needy people. Red Cross Program can help improve youth Communication skills and have the confident to speak in a community or a public meeting and also enable and motivate you to become a future leader in this Nation," says Cynthia Simon, VRCS volunteer - Tafea Branch.

"Vanuatu Red Cross Society i gat ful duty blong lukaotem mo protectem ol man lo time blong emergency mo tu i developem ol skills blong mi blo faenem wan new work," says Patrick Sam, VRCS volunteer - Tafea Branch.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies



World Refugee Day is an international day organized every year on 20 June by the United Nations. It is designed to celebrate and honor refugees from around the world. The day was first established on 20 June 2001, in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Whoever. Wherever. Whenever.
Everyone has the right to seek safety.