Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) - 2022

Disaster Coordinator - Augustin Garae and Jessica Binihi – Volunteer Officer - 2022 Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR)

Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS) through its Disaster Coordinator - Augustin Garae and Jessica Binihi – Volunteer Officer were accepted as a registered delegate to attend the 2022 Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) and other side meetings with the Australian Red Cross. The APMCDRR is held in Brisbane this week from 18 to 25 September 2022.

The APMCDRR is the main reginal platform  for promoting coordination and cooperation on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and the implementation of the Sendal Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). It brings together UN Member states, intergovernmental organizations, international and national organizations and stakeholder groups, to accelerate progress on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).

“Being here in Brisbane is to learn from each other or different organizations on what they have been doing in different sectors of life to help strengthen community resilience and how we can integrate DRR and Climate change,” says Jessica Binihi - VRCS Volunteer Officer.

Vanuatu Red Cross Society Financial Sustainability & Resource Mobilization (RM) Workshop

Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS) staff and two of its Branches: SHEFA BRANCH & SANMA BRANCH joined in a two days Resource Mobilization Training Workshop.

With funding through the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies as a priority activity for 2022. Vanuatu Red Cross Society staff and two of its Branches: SHEFA BRANCH & SANMA BRANCH joined in a two days Resource Mobilization Training Workshop to discuss the respective branches financial sustainability plans.

The aim of the Resource Mobilization Training Workshop is to strengthen the existing resources and create new initiatives to achieve an optimal level of Financial Sustainability Roadmap for 2023 – 2024. This Resource Mobilization Training Workshop is facilitated by @IFRC focal point, Amelia Tiko-Baro, and Senior Resource Mobilization (RM) Officer, Jamila Sese.

The training included the Core Cost Financial Sustainability, VRCS 2022 Resource Mobilization Scoping, SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), Branch Fundraising, Auxiliary Role and Financial Sustainability, Emergency & Fundraising, VRCS 2023 Roadmap Plan and The Importance of Communication in Resource Mobilization which is facilitated by Jeremiah Bosese – VRCS Communications Officer. 

“It is the first time that we are engaging branches to be part of this kind of meeting and myself as a board member is also a first time to attend such workshop,” says Mr. Moses Stevens - VRCS Board President.

“Really Happy to be in this first ever Financial Sustainability workshop here. During these 2 days I’ve learned so much about the importance of Resource Mobilization (RM) Plan and its activities. As a SBO I could day burdens started to get lifted up after having assurance from IFRC to support the branches financially in order to sustain the branch operations. After the opening of the sub branch on Emae I was thinking of how to sustain the sub branch but I just gradually thank IFRC through the core cost manager to be here running this workshop and gives us assurance to support the branches says Emma Mesao - Senior Branch Officer, SHEFA Red Cross BRANCH.

“In this two days’ Resource Mobilization (RM) Workshop, we came to learn new things that we can do to help sustain the BRANCH.  These new ideas are Branch Sustainability Plan, the Importance of Communication in Resource Mobilization (RM) Activities, the RM yearly planning and Branch Fundraising Sources,” says Shirley Johnson – Senior Branch Officer, SANMA Branch and Brenda Luan – Admin/Finance Officer SANMA Branch. 

The Resource Mobilization (RM) Training was acknowledged and closed by the VRCS Board President, Mr. Moses Stevens.

New Emae Red Cross Sub Branch Board Elected.

In preparation of the launching of the new Emae Red Cross Sub Branch tomorrow, the members have today elected their new governing board.

Vanuatu Red Cross Secretary General Mr Dickinson Tevi this morning facilitaed an induction to members on the role expected of a Sub Branch and its governing board.

The induction concluded with a special members meeting in which an election for the new governing board members was held.

The President of Vanuatu Red Cross Mr Moses Stevens congratulated the new governing board members and encouraged them to promote the work and understanding of Red Cross throughout the island of Emae.

The Emae Red Cross Sub Branch will be the first ever Sub Branch established under the new decentralization structure of the Vanuatu Red Cross.

The President of Vanuatu Red Cross Mr Moses Stevens and the new governing board members - Emae Red Cross Branch.

Public Communications Core Focus Of Pacific Red Cross Forum

The event is hosted by the ICRC with participants from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

By Salote Qalubau

Participants of the Pacific Red Cross Forum at the Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi on September 5,2022.Photo. Salote Qalubau

The first few days of the weeklong Pacific Red Cross Forum will focus on public communications. This is a vital aspect of strengthening Pacific Island National Red Cross Societies’ programming and operations.

This was stressed by the Head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Regional Pacific Delegation, Vincent Ochilet, while virtually delivering his speech at the Pacific Red Cross Forum at the Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi yesterday.

The event is hosted by the ICRC with participants from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

“There are many various themes to be explored this week, for instance, with the facilitation from our International Federation colleague, participants will discover how they can provide active communications support to help their National Societies prepare for and respond more efficiently for major disasters,” he said.

He said the use of many social media platforms, to better communicate with communities and support the response effort would be explored during the forum.

“In the final two days of this event, additional colleagues will join, including from the New Zealand Red Cross and Australian Red Cross as the focus shifts to deepening our collective understanding of Protection in the movement we need to understand what this means to us here in the Pacific,” Mr Ochilet said.

Participants of the Pacific Red Cross Forum at the Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi on September 5,2022.Photo. Salote Qalubau

“Protection work is increasingly important for the Movement as millions of people continue to suffer violence, discrimination and exclusion of all kinds in armed conflicts, other situations of violence, health crises and natural disasters.”

He said participants would also look at ways to strengthen the world-wide network of Restoring Family Links, led by ICRC.



Natural Resource Management and First Aid training for BHA targeted communities in Big Bay, Santo.

VRCS Natural Resource Management and First Aid training for BHA targeted communities in Big Bay, Santo.

Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS’s) Burea of Humanitarian Assistance Program, which is supported by the Provincial Government & implemented, is helping families in the communities in the Northern Part of Espiritu Santo to be resilient to natural disasters and health crisis. People in Malao and Pelvus village in Big Bay Santo have joined in the five-day training sessions in recent weeks. The sessions are designed for all gender in the community to take part in together, enabling them to share their understanding and values, share ideas and skills with each other and simulation exercises on each topic they covered and know the actions to be taken in times of an emergency in an effective manner during a disaster or health crisis. The training encourages everyone to be well prepared to natural disasters and crisis.

Practicing CARTIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION (CPR) for adult and babies during an emergency.

Participants Practicing how to treat a wound - First Aid

International Youth Exchange Program, Shefa province.

Theme: “Our Future” focuses mainly on Climate Change.

Last week the Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS) under the International Youth Cooperation Project (IYCP) focuses on School Based Disaster Risk Reduction (SBDRR) is supporting junior Red Cross volunteers in Shefa Province to participate on a virtual International Youth Exchange Program which focuses on Climate education to understand the climate change in their respective countries, build humanitarian spirit to make a difference in their schools and community. Thankyou to the Japanese Red Cross Society (JPRS) for supporting this project.

Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS)

Japanese Red Cross Society (JPRS)

International Youth Cooperation Project (IYCP) - VRCS

International Youth Cooperation Project (IYCP) virtual Meeting - VRCS

Red Cross volunteers

Vanuatu red cross society (VRCS) Welcomes Curtesy Visit from the US PEACE CORPS COUNTRY DIRECTOR Ms. Penny Alexander

Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS) received a curtsey visit from Ms. Penny Alexander and Brett Rakau – Executive & Communications Assistance (ECA) at Peace Corps – Vanuatu yesterday on the 22nd of August 2022. Ms. Penny Alexander is the Country Director of US Peace Corps in Vanuatu.

This visit by Peace Corps is part of their regular networking with partners. VRCS Secretary General Mr. Dickinson Tevi welcomed the Peace Corps team and explain that it has been a while since VRCS received such visit from Peace Corps. Never the less he thanked the Peace Corps Country Director for her initiative and believes that the visit lays ground for stronger partnership between VRCS and Peace Corps in the future.

VRCS appreciate the beautiful flower and gifts presented by the Country Director of US Peace Corps in Vanuatu Ms. Penny Alexander.

Vanuatu red cross society (VRCS) Welcomes Curtesy Visit from the US PEACE CORPS COUNTRY DIRECTOR Ms. Penny Alexander.

VRCS Secretary General Mr. Dickinson Tevi apreciating the gift from the US PEACE CORPS COUNTRY DIRECTOR Ms. Penny Alexander.


US PEACE CORPS COUNTRY DIRECTOR Ms. Penny Alexander and Brett Rakau – Executive & Communications Assistance (ECA) at Peace Corps – Vanuatu.

HAPPY HUMANITARIAN DAY 2022 “It Takes a Village”.

“Joining the VRCS Volunteer is to help other people in the community in times of a disaster, everyone in the community is not the same so as a volunteer of VRCS and as humanitarian work requires being responsible, conscious of the circumstances of other people's lives, and helpingthem on the basis of need, without discrimination,” says Leah Okis - VRCS Recruited Volunteer at SHEFA Branch.

World Humanitarian Day is commemorated every year on 19 August to pay tribute to humanitarian workers killed and injured in the course of their work, and to honor all aid and health workers who continue, despite the odds, to provide life-saving support and protection to people most in need. Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS) is a Humanitarian Organization and its fundamental mission is to improve the lives of the most vulnerable, without discrimination, through voluntary service in Vanuatu.

We want to congratulate everyone like Humanitarian Organizations and we will continue to stand firm and work together as Humanitarian Organizations. Thankyou Australian High Commission, Vanuatu for our Partnership in supporting the humanitarian work in Vanuatu. Once again we wish everyone a HAPPY World HUMANITARIAN DAY 2022 “It Takes a Village”.

Vanuatu Red Cross Society

Australian High Commission, Vanuatu

International Youth Day (IYD) Celebration 2022

This year the Port Vila City Council hosted the International Youth Day (IYD) Celebration in Port Vila at Saralan Park on the 18th of August 2022. 

The Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS) was invited to join and celebrate that special day. The International Youth Day is commemorated on 12 August, bringing youth issues to the attention of our community and celebrating the potential of youth as partners in today’s national society. Each year is given a theme to celebrate and this year 2022 theme is “International Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages” which means the world needs to leverage the full potential of all generations including young people to archive sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  Solidarity across Generation is key for sustainable development; therefore, we must collaborate to foster successful and equitable intergenerational relations and partnerships to ensure “no one is left behind.”

The Activities include sports (vasanoc) and display booths where VRCS demonstrated First Aid, Automated External Defibrillator (ADE) through its Volunteers on how you can safe someone life in a proper way during an emergency and displays of the VRCS work and programs across Vanuatu by our Shefa Branch.

“We believe that we can work together to make this day a success for young people and we do appreciate your tremendous assistance through the past years in supporting Youths of Port Vila,” says the Vanuatu National Youth Council.   

IYD Youths & VRCS

VRCS Youth Demonstrating First Aid, Automated External Defibrillator (ADE)

VRCS display booth

VRCS Software Refresher Training

Now are days, the world is going under a digital transformation. Thus, our National Society (NS) staffs needs to adapt by building our staff capacity to meet the standard. This refresher training is also in line with the NS strategic plan 2022 to 2030 Transformation no.6; Undergoing a digital transformation point b.

The main goal of this is training is to train our NS staffs to enhance their capacity building on the software we daily used in our computer to do our daily work like reporting, database, calculations on big data.

The objective of this training is to:

• Build staff capacity in MS Excel (calculation, familiar with different taps, formatting cells and designing charts.

• Build staff capacity in MS Word (typing, familiar with different taps, layout, creating standard document templates.

• Build staff capacity in MS Power Point (designing, transitions, animations, slide shows)

• Refresher for VRCS staffs and also will be important for VRCS branch around Vanuatu.

The training included hands on activities demonstration and SHORT CUTS and simple tactics to carried a task within 5 minutes rather than to spending a whole hour to figure out how to solve a problem in calculation, reporting and entering a data.

This training was facilitated by an IT Consultant from Malamba Province to share his computing knowledge and skills with the Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS) staff.

VRCS Staff - HQ

VRCS Staff - HQ - Help a friend to understand better

VRCS Staff - HQ - Hands on exercise