Job Location: VRCS/FRC office in Isangel, Tanna and North Tanna communities

Applicants are required to demonstrate the following:

·         Demonstrated experience in community mobilization

·        Demonstrated experience and competencies in water network infrastructure construction (source catchment…..) and plumbing;

·         Demonstrated experience and competencies in at least two (2) of the following sectors

o    Construction with industrial materials (concrete, cement blocks);

o    Management of construction team, supervision of simultaneous multiple construction site;

o    Construction activities scheduling, reporting

·         University graduate in water, sanitation and hygiene or construction sectors will be an asset

·         Knowledge of the North Tanna geography and access to the communities

·         Ability and flexibility to travel regularly, particularly in the North of Tanna Island

·         Ability and flexibility to live up to 5 days a week in the communities

·         Understanding of disaster risk reduction strategy

·         Base in the communities of North Tanna with Travel to Lenakel

·         To support the project management

·         Driving licence required

·         Good computer skills (Word, Excel)

·         Good communication, drafting and presentation skills

·         Team management, training and facilitation skills

·         Interest in sharing professional skills as well as learning from others

·         Open-minded, dynamic and flexible

·         Bislama + English and/or French speaker required

·         Knowledge of Red Cross movement will be an asset

Interested candidates are invited to pick up a more detailed job description of this position at Vanuatu Red Cross Office located at Vanuatu Red Cross Headquarters in Port-Vila or at Isangel in Tanna,

or send request by mail to: by indicating in the email subject : “WASH Support Officer”

or contact Benjamin Paget (Head of sub-delegates) on Mob: 7318268 / 5505304 or Priscilla Stevens (Human Resources support officer) on Tel: 26761 for more information.

Interested candidates may submit their applications, with letter of interest and CV, no later than 9th June 2017 to HR department:

The key accomplishments of the Dengue Operation in Emae island and Malekula island by Vanuatu Red Cross Society in response to the Dengue Outbreak.


It's gala night again! The annual Vanuatu Red Cross disaster fundraising.
Vanuatu Red Cross Society would like to announce that it will hold its annual gala on Saturday 17th June 2017 at the Azure Restaurant on Iririki Island Resort.
The theme for this year's Gala Night is "GREAT GATSBY" (roaring 20's) and we can't wait to see what wonderful outfits will walk trough the door this year.

The VRCS is hereby requesting your assistance, as a sponsor for the event, in any of the following ways:
- purchase of 10 tickets (to make a full table). The price per ticket is 6,500vt
- donation of prize for raffle
- cash donation

We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for your consideration and we trust you will assist us in the making of a successful annual Gala Night.

This year Gala Night is especially to fundraise and raise money to help the people from TORBA province who have been affected by TC DONNA.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone 27418 or email
should you require any further information on the event.

Yours in Humanity,

Jacqueline de Gaillande
Chief Executive officer
Vanuatu red Cross Society


From the 3rd to the 6th of April, Vanuatu’s first disaster risk reduction (DRR) camp organized by the Red Cross and National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) took place in North Tanna. Over the course of three days, 31 participants (4 women, 27 men) took part in training, debates, and movie nights around DRR.

«Traditional or modern early warning systems»Photo: French Red Cross

«Traditional or modern early warning systems»
Photo: French Red Cross

“The personnel handling the camp, including myself, were impressed. People were involved in the camp’s daily life, had good ideas on both preparedness and response measures, and they were very enthusiastic,” says Isabelle Choutet, DRR Project Manager for Vanuatu Red Cross Society (VRCS) and French Red Cross (FRC) North Tanna Recovery project after cyclone PAM, implemented in partnership with the NDMO.

Volunteers were trained in awareness sessions on hazards, community response planning, evacuation planning, and many others, in addition to the knowledge they gained the prior year. This boot camp was designed as a Training of Trainers for Community Disaster and Climate Change Committee (CDCCC) chairmen and awareness focal points to be able to develop their Community Response Plan (CRP) with the support of the DRR Red Cross team. The aim was to empower them and to strengthen their position as leaders in the frame of CRP development process.

The choice of organizing a camp and not a formal workshop or training was motivated by the intention of creating strong links between CDCCC members in North Tanna. Participants practiced their communication, coordination and leadership skills, which are crucial in times of disaster. Indeed, each participant had a role in the “micro-society” that constituted the camp: to be responsible for the wood, the fire, water, to set up shelters, etc. Participants had to listen to each other and to work together.

Before the camp, a meeting took place in NDMO provincial office with training participants and the Provincial Disaster Officer (PDO). It was the first time CDCCC members entered NDMO provincial office for a meeting since its opening. It was an opportunity to meet with the PDO and to conduct a short refresher session on NDMO structures, disaster actors in Vanuatu and their roles and responsibilities.

Dissemination of DRR key messages in LenakelPhoto: French Red Cross

Dissemination of DRR key messages in Lenakel
Photo: French Red Cross

As the camp drew to a close, participants were presented with the upcoming activities to take place under the shelter component of the project: awareness sessions on build back better/build back safer construction techniques and construction of nima’entens (local traditional refuge in case of cyclone). They also agreed on a 3-month plan for DRR activities to be conducted with communities in North Tanna.

CDCCC Chairman – Hebron Mi lanem hao nao bae mi kivim stret infomesen long komuniti. Mekem sua se evri haoshol i mas bildim wan sef haos mo oli mas andastanem evri trifala alet we bae redio i save kivimaot long taem long wan saeklon. Nara advaes bae…

CDCCC Chairman – Hebron
Mi lanem hao nao bae mi kivim stret infomesen long komuniti. Mekem sua se evri haoshol i mas bildim wan sef haos mo oli mas andastanem evri trifala alet we bae redio i save kivimaot long taem long wan saeklon. Nara advaes bae mi kivim long olgeta: komuniti i mas wok tugeta wetem tim blong CDC blong avoidem disasta blong eria blong Hebron CDC.*

*I learned how to pass on information to my community. We have to make sure every household builds a safe house and that everyone understands the three cyclone alerts disseminated through the radio when a cyclone approaches. Another piece of advice I wish to give community members: the community must work together with CDCCC to avoid a disaster in Hebron area.


Since July 2015, the Red Cross (Vanuatu Red Cross Society and French Red Cross) has been implementing a 36-month development program: Supporting Community Planning 3 in more than 20 communities in Torba and Malampa provinces that will benefit more than 5,000 people.

The objective of this program is to improve community resilience to natural disasters risks. It includes many actions: CBDRR (Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction), WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), and shelter improvement.

At the end of the project, community members’ living conditions will be improved in a sustainable manner by strengthening resilience to natural disaster risks.

Akhamb, 20 of February 2017

Photo by Remy Marcelin (FRC)

Photo by Remy Marcelin (FRC)

During monitoring mission of the new Rain Water Harvesting System (RWHS) in Akhamb, Red Cross team visited a construction site.
Community members were working all together to build a new RWHS.
They had brought wood pole from the forest for the roof structure and they were using tools and materials provided by the project (sheet metal for the roof, gutter, tank, cement, etc.).
Red Cross also provided technical support for a good and durable construction.

Our team went to speak with the workers and asked them to describe what they were doing and what it would change for them.

Maksi – he was working on the construction                site. Photo by Remy Marcelin (FRC)

Maksi – he was working on the construction                site. Photo by Remy Marcelin (FRC)

The name of this village is Lombeniar. Lombeniar is a small village in the community of Akhamb and it has 6 households with about 30 people. We use the small white rain water tank behind me but during the dry session we run out of water because there is so little rainwater. But now we are very lucky to have a big water tank that Red Cross and USAID funded. At the moment, the work is in progress to complete the water tank installation. It will  very much help the people in our community to survive. That’s all. Thank you very much.

*The small white water tank was a 1000L (with an 8m2 roof) and the new one is a 5000L with a 50m2 roof.

Whilst the men were working to complete the construction of shelter, we also had the opportunity to talk to some women and girls in Lombeniar who shared their thoughts and feelings about the project.

Serah Skonaur, Lias Yakenson, Naomi John Bill(we can see the small white water tank behind). Photo by Remy Marcelin (FRC)

Serah Skonaur, Lias Yakenson, Naomi John Bill
(we can see the small white water tank behind). Photo by Remy Marcelin (FRC)

We are so happy to have a new shelter and a new water tank in our area. Before, we used to share the small water tank and it was not enough for everyone, especially during dry seasons and disaster times. Leias Yakenson

I am so happy too to have a new shelter and a new rain water tank in our area; in the past I had to travel a long distance to collect water with my kids for daily use. Now we all feel relieved to have this new tank: it will save us a lot of time and energy to do other chores at home. Naomi Bill

Now our children will have adequate safe and drinking water to use every day. This new tank has a first flush that removes debris and only clean water goes inside the tank. It is very interesting to see and learn about how to collect and store drinking water. Larisa Titek

Logo VRCS.jpg

This report is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the French Red Cross and the Vanuatu Red Cross and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government


I gat aotbrek blong Dengi Fiva long Vanuatu. Ol saen blo Dengi hemi Strong Fiva, masel/joen pein, hed i sore, skin ras. Sapos eniwan i gat ol saen ko long hospital kwiktaem.


Vanuatu has a dengue outbreak. High fever, muscle/joint pain, severe headache, skin rash are symptoms. Anyone with these symptoms should seek medical advice.

photo credit to Mosquito Magnet, 2017

photo credit to Mosquito Magnet, 2017


DRR In 10 communities in Santo

The youth Empowering vulnerable communities project Phase 2 in Santo

was a success. The coordinator of the project said that 10 volunteers in Sanma Red Cross branch where involved in this small project to help carry out different activities.

It is a 6 - 7 moth project supported by the Meiji Jingu Worshiper association in japan and it help build up the Capacity of volunteering in Sanma Red cross and also the branch itself.

During the phase two of the project volunteers spend 5 days in each of the 10 communities to provides Disaster Risk Reduction activities. Volunteers also recruits two new volunteers from each of the 10 communities to join the Sanma Red Cross Volunteer Team.

Volunteers used their skills and training that where given by the Vanuatu red Cross to implement activities such has Red Cross dissemination, DRR activities and First Aid.

The Phase 3 of the project which involved First Aid Activities will be taking place next week before the final phase 4 of the projects with the volunteers.

The project will end in April 2017.


DRR Officer

The Vanuatu Red Cross Society, working jointly with the support of the French Red Cross, is seeking applications from dynamic and highly motivated persons to immediately fill up the following position.

Job location: VRCS headquarter in Port-Vila - Travels to the Provinces of Torba and Malekula

Applicants are required to demonstrate the following:

Minimum 3-year experience of project management if possible in the field of CBDRR.

3 to 5 year of experience will be preferred.

Demonstrated experience and competencies in at least two (2) of the following sectors:

·         Program coordination, particularly in humanitarian field

·         Disaster risk reduction activities

·         Community based program

·         Capacity building/training and awareness

·         Monitoring and evaluation of project activities.

·         Knowledge of Torba and Malekula communities appreciated

University graduate in one of these sectors or field related will be an asset.

Ability and flexibility to travel regularly in the communities will be expected. The HP Officer will be based in Port-Vila. It will be required to spend several days within communities.

Interested candidates may submit their applications, with letter of interest and CV, no later than 20th April 2017 to the HR department:

VRCS HR Department, PO Box 3459, Port-Vila, Vanuatu or click to the following link :

Application by email:

Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

The application must contain the following documents:

-Resume updated

-Work certificate

-Motivation letter


-Copy of diplomas


The team have contact with the communities members

The team have contact with the communities members

Sandrine (Health Coordinator) and Denny (Health Assistance) traveled to Malekula Province to provide training to Vanuatu Red Cross Society volunteers in preparation for a community mobilization activity. This activity forms part of the Emergency Plan of Action for the dengue fever outbreak in Vanuatu. Populations directly targeted in this plan include dengue hotspot areas of Emae Island (Shefa Province) and Lakatoro & Lamap locations in Malekula Province. The action plan includes three key components and these are:

1.    Ways to prevent dengue fever and vector eradication.

2.    Mass communication campaign to increase awareness and help achieve behavioural change.

3.    Waste disposal campaign to support community mobilization for vector eradication.

As of 27 February, 1798 suspected cases have been reported to the Ministry of Health.

Awareness with the community members

Awareness with the community members

Dengue illness is suspected if you have symptoms of: High fever for at least 2 days; Severe headache; Nausea and vomiting; Muscle or joint pains; Pain behind the eyes; and Rash.

Anyone who suspects that they have symptoms of dengue should seek medical advice from their nearest healthcare facility. Dengue can be a dangerous disease because in severe cases (symptoms may include intense stomach pain, repeated vomiting, bleeding from the nose or gums) it may cause death.

At present, the main method to control or prevent the transmission of dengue virus is to combat mosquitoes through:


  • preventing mosquitoes from breeding by destroying breeding sites such as empty coconut shells and tires and rubbish.
  • disposing of solid waste properly and removing artificial man-made habitats;
  • covering, emptying and cleaning of domestic water storage containers on a weekly basis;
  • using of personal household protection such as window screens, long-sleeved clothes, insecticide treated materials and coils;
  • improving community participation and mobilization for sustained mosquito control;
Awareness with the communtiy members

Awareness with the communtiy members



The Vanuatu Red Cross Society, working jointly with the support of the French Red Cross, is seeking applications from dynamic and highly motivated persons to immediately fill up the following position.

Purpose of the job:                       

·         Carry out all maintenance, logistic activities (vehicles, fuel consumption, infrastructure, transport) and store-keeping, according to VRCS/FRC protocols in order to have the material, infrastructure and vehicles in optimal running conditions. Fully works in collaboration with projects and construction teams.

Applicants are required to demonstrate the following:

·         At least 2 years’ experience in logistics,

·         Experience with an NGO is a major asset

·         Secondary Education required

·         Driving license required

·         Computer literacy andHF/VHF radio equipment user-knowledge

·         Knowledge in construction

·         Languages : Bishlama & English – French is an asset

·         Good communication, drafting and presentation skills

·         Team management, training and facilitation skill

·         Interest in sharing professional skills as well as learning from others

·         Knowledge of the North Tanna geography and access to the communities

·         Open-minded, dynamic and flexible

·         Knowledge of Red Cross movement will be an asset

Interested candidates are invited to pick up a more detailed Job description of this position at Vanuatu Red Cross Office (located at Vanuatu Red Cross Headquarters), or send request by mail to:

Interested candidates may submit their applications, with letter of interest and CV, no later than 10th February 2017

Applications may be submitted via:

-          Email:

-          Post:        VRCS HR Departmentor VRCS/FRC, PO Box 3459, PO Box 122

Port-Vila, Vanuatu ,Tanna, Vanuatu

Applications can also be submitted by hand to Vanuatu Red Cross office in Tanna or Port Vila.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted.